MTV Roadies is a youth-based popular reality television show on MTV India. The show first aired in 2003. In the show, a group of contestants travel to different destinations and participate in various tasks that seemingly challenge their physical and mental strength. During the course of the journey, there are vote outs, vote ins, eliminations and game changing twists. Eventually the contestant who manages to survive vote outs and succeed in the final task is chosen as the winner. The show has enjoyed much success among the youth. When asked about the show, the executive producer said, "Roadies has travel, adventure, drama, touch of voyeurism...".
Raghu Ram and Rajiv Lakshman, the creators of Roadies, left the show in 2014. They told the media that they had done enough to popularise the show and wanted to give opportunities to the new generation to carry the show forward. With a 14-year history, it is one of India's longest running shows.
Video MTV Roadies
The auditions of this reality TV show were initially conducted by popular VJs like Cyrus Sahukar, Cyrus Broacha, Nikhil Chinapa and the producer Raghu Ram. Raghu Ram's brother Rajiv Lakshman joined them in the sixth season. The brothers departed in Season 7, but returned for Season 8, and were joined by Rannvijay Singh. In the 12th season, the auditions were conducted by Rannvijay Singh, boxer Vijender Singh, and actors Karan Kundra and Esha Deol. In the 13th season, Vijender Singh and Esha Deol were replaced by wrestler Sushil Kumar and actor Neha Dhupia respectively. Sushil Kumar was later replaced by Prince Narula, the winner of Roadies X2, Splitsvilla 8 and Bigg Boss 9. The four of them returned for Roadies Rising, the fourteenth season and cricketer Harbhajan Singh is to play a crucial part. The applicants are first asked to fill out a form and then attend a Group Discussion (GD). The form consists of basic questions regarding the applicant and includes questions like "Why do you want to be a Roadie?" and "What is the greatest regret of your life?"
Moderators watch the performance of all the applicants in this GD, and then they shortlist some people who are called on the next day for the Personal Interview round.
This personal interview takes place with some of the above-mentioned people. These interviews are known to be intense and try to bring out the true nature of the participant. These interviews have been known to turn abusive each time the interviewers find an applicant who has seemingly lied on the application form. The interviewers always stress that applicants should show who they really are, instead of portraying a false personality.
Maps MTV Roadies
The first two seasons had a cap on the daily budget allocated to the contestants. During the show, apart from learning about India's diversity, they were also given tasks to get to know each other. The tasks became more challenging from the third season onwards.
The fifth season was the first time when an "Advantage task" was introduced. The winner of the task would get an advantage in the vote out, which could be multiple votes or being the only one(s) to vote. This was also the first time the show went international.
In the tenth season, a team of former contestants mentored by Raghu Ram were pitted against a team of fresh contestants mentored by Rannvijay.
In the twelfth season, during the auditions, 4 Gang Leaders had to hit a buzzer to express their interest in a contestant. Contestants in return had the option to choose which gang they would like to be a part of.
In the thirteenth season, bikes, which had been a common aspect of the show, were discontinued and the makers opted for a car. This has continued in the fourteenth season as well.
Across all seasons, vote outs, vote ins, immunity, eliminations, captaincy, twists introduced by the makers and special appearances by guests like actors, sportspersons and musicians have been regular features of the show.
Series details
Gang Leaders
Notable contestants
- Ayushmann Khurrana
- Suchit Vikram Singh
- Baseer Ali
- Prince Narula
- Priyank Sharma
- Rannvijay Singh
- Varun Sood VJ
- Aanchal Khurana
- Ashutosh Kaushik
- Ayaz Ahmed
- Gurbani Judge
- Gurmeet Singh Rehal
- Pooja Banerjee
- Saurabh Arora
- Renee Dhyani
- Sahil Anand
- Shaleen Bhanot
- Shaleen Malhotra
- Suzanna Mukherjee
- Vishal Karwal
- Milan Verma
- Saket Kumar
External links
- Roadies official website
- Roadies blog
- Roadies videos and live cast
Source of article : Wikipedia